
Canada: Medical Problems…Less Problematic to Immigrants

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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Canada relaxes its medical inadmissibility rules

The government of Canada plans on making it easier for applicants to seek Permanent Status in the country even if they, or any of their accompanying family members, have medical complications.

The Federal Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, the Honorable Ahmed Hussein has announced that his office will work on repealing section 38-1C of the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Section 38-1C sets the definition of “Excessive Demand” on social and health services.

The Numbers

In the past, a candidate with a medical complication that is expected to cost Canada’s social services an amount over CAD$6,655 a year (or CAD$35,275 over 5 years) may have been deemed inadmissible to Canada.
The threshold has now been increased to CAD$19,965.

Trudeau’s government continues to mend the Canadian image that was drastically changed by the ways and ideologies of the former conservative administration.

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